Note : Not everything on this website can or will be translated into English.


Families covered


This site has the purpose to publish our family tree(s), so other members ( or descendants of the ancestors of ) these families can correct or complete this database. Until now, this database contains all families from the southern part of Holland ( Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands ) and the northern part of Belgium ( province of Antwerp in the Flanders ).


The family names of most importance in this database are ;

 Coolen  - Donders -  Van Meel - Van Mierlo


Combining data from other families in one database, we've managed to grow to a file with more then 4500 family names. We also have gathered, thanks to publications of other persons, reached to ancestors from the 4th (fourth) century.


More information on the background of these families, there origin and the sources of this information, is for you presented in our background pages on this website.

It is not the intention of the owner of this site, to investigate all of the branches of these families, nevertheless will he urge the namesakes to provide him with current and new information to keep this database up to date.


Some families are a part of this database, without primary interest from the owner, and therefore not complete. If you would be a descendant of such a person, feel free to inform me of the missing details of that family.  WITH THANKS.

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General information about this Database


Following items are the general remarks concerning the information in this database.


  • Of some persons ( usually women related by marriage ) the family name is not known to the owner of this site, and will be displayed as "-".  If the calling name of some persons is not known, they will be mentioned as "NN echtgenoot(e)" ( husband or wife ), "NN zoon/dochter" ( sun or daughter ) or "NN moeder/vader" ( mother or father ) (NN = Nomen Nescio).


  • The family names ( surnames ) are presented ( and sorted in listings ) on a Flemish manner. This means that a person called "Jan Pieter van Helmond" will be noted as "Van Helmond, Jan Pieter"  and not as "Helmond, Jan Pieter van"


  • If there is a difference in the calling name and the the persons Christian names, it will be stated between (brackets). For example my name is Henk, but officially my name is Hendrikus Franciscus Gerardus. So my name will be displayed as "Hendrikus Franciscus Gerardus (Henk) Coolen".


  • The information is usually gathered by genealogists out of the so called baptism- marriage- and funeral books. It is possible that the real birth or the day of death, took place one day ( sometimes a few days ) sooner or later as displayed.


  • Many family names have different forms of spelling, so  Jansen could become Janse, Janssen, Jansens or Janssens. In this database we will use the most common surname used by this family, and note the use of other spellings in the name between {brackets}. Pieter Jan Koolen will be mentioned as "Pieter Jan {Koolen} Coolen"


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Surnames and corresponding Municipalities

These pages give you a summary, per surname, in what time period and in which municipalities, the individuals in this database, are born, marries or died.

So you can determine whether my data is of interest for you. 

Example ;   ** Jeronimus **

1570--1598 . . ---2 . . ---4 . . ---3 . . . -?-
1550--1627 . . ---5 . . ---1 . . ---0 . . . Den Dungen {NB,NL}

In the data on this website there are in Den Dungen 5 births and 1 marriage, in the years from 1550 to 1627, when the surname Jeronimus is used. Beside this there are 2 birth, 4 marriages and 2 deaths of which the location is unknown.


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Remarks and/or additional data


All your remarks, additions and/or corrections are always WELCOME. If you don't want your information displayed on this website, please let me know so I can take the necessary actions.


Is there a person or an event ( Birth , Christening , Marriage , Decease ) missing in this database,   a date, a name or the municipality not complete,  or do you own a document ( photo , christening card , marriage certificate , mortuary card ) that could be of any help ???


Or if you are a descendant of one of the persons in this database and you want to help adding your data to this website, or your family tree connects somewhere to mine, please give me a message. We will work together.


Help the owner of this site to complete and keep his database up to date.

Send your remarks and/or additional data to .


What do we want to receive from you to correct our data ;

  • Identification of the person ;

  •         The way they used to call him

  •         Christian name(s)

  •         Family name

  •         Gender

  •         Profession

  • Events like Birth , Christening , Marriage , Decease

  •         The date, eventually only the year

  •         The city in which the event occurred

  •         The witnesses of this event

  • The relations of this person

  •         Names of the parents

  •         Names of  his/hers children

  •         Names of the witnesses of an event ( Marriage witness, Godfather and Godmother )

  • Copies of Documents

  •         Photo or portrait

  •         Marriage certificate

  •         Christening card

  •         Mortuary card and/or obituary notice


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Pedigree charts and Genealogy lists


We use a self-made program for the presentation of Pedigree charts and Genealogy lists. 


A "Pedigree chart" is a chart which displays a person, his/hers parents, their parents, etc... The number of people multiplies by 2 in every following generation. A "Pedigree chart" per definition ( according to some encyclopedias ) means a sheet with 4 generations, making a time stamp of about 100 years. ( e.g. the average age for the parents to give birth to there kids is 33 years ). And the people on the top of a sheet can become the subject of an other sheet.


A "Genealogy List" is a list of every ( by the author ) known descendants of a person in the past. Normally only displaying the families that use the same surname, but in our case, displaying all known descendants. Are you one of these descendants ? ... Please inform the owner of this website of your existence.


The different Pedigree charts, can and will be connected somewhere in the past, or we tried to connect them in an indirect way. While reading in one of the Pedigrees or Genealogies you can jump to the descendants or parents, and even jump to the pages with the complete information of these families. Using the BACK button of your browser, you would find your way back to the first listing.


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Symbolic and abbreviations


This is a list of symbols and abbreviations used on this website, or in other documents produced from the database of our gathered families.


{ Peeters } A variation in a surname, as they are encountered on some documents.
( Wouter )

A frequently used name, whenever this differs from his/hers official birth names. ( in some applications this name is separated from the official names by a semicolon ; )

{ NB,NL } Declaration of the province and country. Eg. : NB=Noord-Brabant, ZH=Zuid-Holland, OVl=Oost-Vlaanderen, BE=Belgium, NL=The Netherlands

  ( this implies the current situation of the municipality )

( 1754-1809 )

( * = 1754 , + = 1809 )

Denotations of the year of birth and/or decease.
<1899  or  >1765 Indication to the date of an event, happening before < , or after > , a specific date.
[Donders.GS.33] Special coding, used by us to mention pedigree- or genealogy-numbers to know the source of the information.
* , X , +  Symbols used to indicate events. *=birth, x=marriage, +=decease
Codes On these web-pages you can see the codes (CDNr. / VMNr. / AvdW. / LWNr. / SchNr. / MuNr. / SvSNr. / KokNr. / BwpNr.). This numbering helps us placing a person in a particular Pedigree. See the page Pedigree's to know the link between the codes and the pedigree.


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French Professions


A list of French professions and there English and Dutch translations

French English Dutch
Agriculteur Farmer Landbouwer
Amiral Admiral Admiraal
Arboriculteur Nursery-man Boomkweker
Arpenteur Surveyor Landmeter
Aubergiste Innkeeper Herbergier
Bailli, maire Bailiff, Sheriff Schout
Basculair Scales-man Weegschaalbediende
Batelier Bargeman Binnenschipper
Berger Shepherd Schaapsherder
Bonne Domestique Servant Dienstbode
Bottier Shoemaker Schoenmaker
Boucher Butcher Slager (beenhouwer)
Boulanger Baker Bakker (brood)
Bourrelier Saddler Zadelmaker
Boutiquier Shopkeeper Winkelier
Boutonnier Tie-maker Knopenmaker
Brasseur Brewer Bierbrouwer
Briqueteur Brick-maker Steenbakker
Bûcheron Wood-cutter Houthakker
Cabaretier (ére) Innkeeper Herbergier(ster)
Chandelier Candle-maker Kaarsenmaker
Charbonnier Coal-heaver Kolenhandelaar
Charcutier Butcher Slager (spekslager)
Charpentier Carpenter Timmerman
Charretier, charroyeur Coachman Voerman
Charron Cartwright Wagenmaker
Chaudronnier Copper-smith, brazier Koperslager
Chaufournier Limekiln Kalkbrander
Chef d’escadron Cavalry captain Ritmeester
Cocher Coachman Koetsier
Coiffeur Barber Kapper
Colporteur Hawker Marskramer
Commerçant Merchant Koopman
Commerçant Shopkeeper Winkelier
Cordier Rope-maker Touwslager
Cordonnier Shoemaker Schoenmaker
Couturier Tailor Dameskleermaker
Couturière Needlewoman Naaister
Couvreur en chaume Thatcher Rietdekker
Couvreur Slater Dakdekker
Cuisinière Kitchen-aid Keukenmeid
Cultivateur Farmer Landbouwer
Domestique Dienstknecht
Ébéniste Meubelmaker
Encadreur Lijstenmaker
Entrepeneur Aannemer (van bouwwerken)
Femme au foyer Huisvrouw
Femme de Chambre Kamenier
Fermier(ère) Pachter(ster)
Filleuse Spinster
Fille de Basse-Cour Pluimveehoudster
Forgeron, forgeur Smid
Garde champêtre Veldwachter
Graveur sur bois Houtsnijder
Homme de barre Roerganger
Horlogier Klokkenmaker
Infirmière Verpleegster
Instituteur Onderwijzer
Jardinier Tuinman
Journalier Dagloner
Juge Judge Rechter
Laboureur Farmer Boer, ploeger, landbouwer
Lavandriere Wasvrouw
Lingère Linnennaaister
Lithographe Steendrukker
Maçon Metselaar
Manouvrier Dagloner
Marchand Koopman
Marchand de Chiffons Lompenkoopman
Marchand de Pain d'Epice Peperkoekverkoper
Marchand Quincaillier IJzerhandelaar
Maréchal des Logis Wachtmeester
Maréchal ferrant Hoefsmid
Maréchal de camp, Maréchal Veldmaarschalk
Marinier Schipper
Ménagère Huishoudster
Menuisier Carpenter Timmerman
Maire Burgemeester
Meunier Molenaar
Mineur Mijnwerkster
Néant without profession Zonder, geen beroep
Négociant Handelaar
Notaire Notaris
Orfèvre Edelsmid
Ouvrier Arbeider
Panier Mandemaker
Particuliér(e) Rentenier
Patissier Banketbakker
Paveur Stratenmaker
Peintre en bâtiments Huisschilder
Peintre Schilder
Pépiniériste Boomkweker
Peseur Weger
Poissonier Visboer
Professeur Teacher Leraar
Révendeur Wederverkoper, opkoper
Sabotier Klompenmaker
Sacristain Koster
Sage Femme Vroedvrouw
Savetier Schoenlapper
Savonnier Zeepzieder
Scieur de bois Wood-sawyer Houtzager
Sculpteur sur bois Wood-cutter Houtsnijder
Sellier Saddle-maker Zadelmaker
Sergent Sergeant Sergeant
Serrurier Locksmith Slotenmaker
Servante Maid Dienstmeid
Tailleur Tailor Kleermaker
Tanneur Tanner Leerlooier
Tapissier Weaver (carpets) Tapijtwever
Tisserand Weaver Wever
Tonnelier Kuiper
Tresseur de paille Strovlechter
Tricoteuse Breister
Tuillier Pannenbakker
Valet de ferme Farmhand Boerenknecht
Voiturier Coachman Voerman
Voller Fuller Volder


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Old Handwriting


This image gives you an impression of characters and abbreviations, used in the 16the and 17the century.

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Translation of some Dutch words


Because we couldn't translate all information in this Genealogical database, we give you al list of translations, from Dutch tot English.


Dutch English Dutch Enlish















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